Staff Working Group Update on Draft Durham and Orange 2025 Transit Work Programs (20 minutes)
Ellen Beckmann, Durham County Transportation Director
Brandi Minor, Durham County Senior Administrative Officer
Nish Trivedi, Orange County Transportation Services Director
The Durham County work program was open for public comment from January 31 through February 21. Recommendations in the work program include over $17 million in capital expenditures for transit infrastructure and almost $17 million in transit operations. Here is the link to the Durham County Staff Working Group page: https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-f-z/transportation/transit/durham-county-staff-working-group/annual-work-programs
The Orange County work program was open for public comment from January 30 through February 20. Recommendations in the work program include $4 million for Bus Rapid Transit and over $5 million for transit operations. Here is the link to the Orange County Staff Working Group page: https://www.orangecountync.gov/3201/Staff-Working-Group
The Draft Durham County FY25 and Draft Orange County FY25 Transit Work Programs are included as attachments.
Board Action
TC Action: Provided input on the Draft FY2025 Work Programs.
Board Action: Provide input on the Draft FY2025 Work Programs.