Priority of Existing Committed Projects (10 Minutes)
Filmon Fishastion, MPO Staff
As part of the development of the 2026-2035 Draft STIP, NCDOT sought input from Planning Organizations (POs) and Divisions on priorities of existing committed projects. These projects have previously been selected for funding through Prioritization 3.0 (P3.0), Prioritization 4.0 (P4.0), or Prioritization 5.0 (P5.0). The input will be used to assist the STIP Unit when adjusting schedules to meet federal and state fiscal constraint requirements. The P7.0 funding availability for many of the Regional Impact and Division Needs funding categories is in the negative. For these funding categories, schedule changes will occur to meet federal and state fiscal constraint requirements for the Draft 2026-2035 STIP. In June the MPO forwarded this list to its members to provide comments. After receiving comments, the MPO met with both Division 5 and Division 7 individually to coordinate on revised rankings for the existing committed projects. The resulting ranked lists of existing committed projects are included in the attachments. Only the existing committed project rankings for Division 5 and Division 7 have been modified. The Division 7 rankings have been updated again as a result of discussions at the Technical Committee meeting.
Board Action
TC Action: Received the information and provided comments on the priority of Existing Committed Project lists.
Board Action: Receive the information and provide comments.