Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Grant - FFY24 Program of Projects (5 minutes)
Doug Plachcinski, AICP, CFM, DCHC MPO Executive Director
The Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program (Section 5310) provides funds to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation service and expanding transportation mobility options. The City of Durham is the Designated Recipient of the funds for the Durham UZA and works with the DCHC MPO to distribute the funds to eligible sub-recipients through a competitive selection process every other year. A Call for Projects was conducted for a total of $811,163.00 in federal funds, which represents funds apportioned to the Durham UZA for FFY2023 and FFY2024. Applications were reviewed by MPO staff, and the recommended Program of Projects (PoP) is attached. Once the PoP is approved by the Board, MPO staff will work with the City of Durham to begin the grant application process.
Board Action
TC Action: Recommended the Board approve the proposed Program of Projects.
Board Action: Approve the proposed Program of Projects.