Meeting Name: Triangle West TPO Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/12/2018 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final-revised  
Meeting location: Committee Room 2nd Floor Durham City Hall
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Final Revised Minutes Final Revised Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Agenda Packet, DCHC Annual Report 2017-2018, Farrington Rd Letter 91018
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleResultAction DetailsMedia
18-174 16. MinutesAugust 8, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes  Action details Not available
18-165 27. ReportResolution to Request Transfer of FHWA Funds to FTA Meg Scully, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-145 48. ReportNC 98 Corridor Study (10 minutes) Andy Henry, MPO Staff  Action details Not available
18-175 19. ReportAir Quality Conformity Determination Report (10 minutes) Andy Henry, MPO Staff John Hodges-Copple, TJCOG  Action details Not available
18-172 210. Resolution2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) -- Amendment #1 (10 minutes) Andy Henry, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-133 711. ReportRelease of Final Scores for Regional Impact Projects (10 minutes) Aaron Cain, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-153 412. ReportAllocation of Local Input Points for Division Needs Projects (10 minutes) Aaron Cain, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-170 213. ReportTriangle Regional Freight Plan (10 minutes) Andy Henry, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-136 614. ReportComprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Amendment #1 (10 minutes) Andy Henry, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-168 215. ReportUpdate of the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (CTP) (5 mins) Meg Scully, LPA Staff Robert Jahn, LPA Intern  Action details Not available
18-166 216a. ReportEnhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Grant - FFY17 and FFY18 Program of Projects (5 mins) Meg Scully, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-167 217. ResolutionAmendment #5 to the FY2018-2027 TIP (5 minutes) Aaron Cain, LPA Staff  Action details Not available
18-139 4  ReportMinutes Recording Document  Action details Not available
18-101 818. ReportReport from the Board Chair Damon Seils, Board Chair  Action details Not available
18-102 819. ReportReport from the Technical Committee Chair Ellen Beckmann,TC Chair  Action details Not available
18-103 820. ReportReport from LPA Staff Felix Nwoko, LPA Manager  Action details Not available
18-104 821. ReportNCDOT Report Joey Hopkins (David Keilson/Richard Hancock), Division 5 - NCDOT Mike Mills (Pat Wilson/Ed Lewis), Division 7 - NCDOT Brandon Jones (Bryan Kluchar, Jen Britt), Division 8 - NCDOT Julie Bogle, Transportation Planning Branch - NCDOT John Grant, Traffic Operations - NCDOT  Action details Not available
18-105 822. Informational ReportRecent News Articles and Updates  Action details Not available